Friday, May 13, 2011


Jim was offered and accepted a job at Epic. To get a history of the company, click here. It is located about 15-20 minutes outside of Madison, Wisconsin and about 2 hours from Chicago. We are all really excited for what this opportunity does for our family. Jim starts June 6Th so in a couple of weeks, we will be saying goodbye to the warm, sunny beaches of Malibu and hello to the land of cheese, brats and beer!


Rob and Kat said...

congratulations, vanessa! very exciting!!

Brandon, Emily & Sydney Wilson said...

OH MY GOODNESS! That is so exciting! Congratulations! I am so so happy for you guys! I'm sure your parents are all very sad to have you moving so far away. I've only been to Madison Wisconsin once but it was absolutely beautiful!! I think you guys will love it! So...we're switching from T Mobile to AT&T cause the service works best here. So...I have no phone till the one my mom is sending me arrives in the mail. Hopefully today! I will talk when I get it so I can get all the details. I imagine you're looking for housing and all that fun stuff. I'm totally gonna find out how far you will be away from me now. Love you guys....good luck with the dreaded packing of the home.
wish I was there to help.

Brandon, Emily & Sydney Wilson said...

Whatever!! You're still like 20 hours away from me. I obviously don't know my geography. Oh well...maybe there are cheap flights from me to you???

And Brandon loves Chicago...always talks about going back so I know he'd be down for a visit. :)