Sunday, February 26, 2012

Out and About

Elizabeth LOVES going to the zoo here in Madison and I don't mind taking her or the other kids because it is free. Because of the winter weather, it has been a while since we went and looked at the animals. Elizabeth always asks to go but the reply is always the same, "It is too cold to walk around the zoo." Well, last weekend it was sunny and 35*F so Jim and I thought it would be a perfect day for the zoo. The kids were so excited to show Jim around since he has never been there before. The weather was beautiful and it felt great to get out of the house and be outside. We had a great day!

This weekend we went to Chicago. Jim and I went to the temple while our friends, The Fa'anunu's, watched the kids. After the temple we hung out with our friends and our kids had fun playing with their kids. Before we headed back to Wisconsin, we decided to take the kids to the Legoland Discovery Center since Isaac, Elizabeth and Jim love legos. It was pretty lame and VERY crowded. It was more like a glorified lego Chuck E. Cheese. The kids had a fantastic time and were sad to leave but Jim and I were ready to shoot ourselves after an hour. I am glad to say that we can now check that off our things to do in Chicago.

Sleep and Family

What does someone have to do to get some sleep in our house? Apparently jump their little heart out and not care how noisy it is. Elizabeth could take that lesson from William since she gets so tired but refuses to nap until it is too late in the day. We then play the "lets keep Elizabeth awake" game.

I love William's facial expression in this picture. It says it all on the older/younger sibling annoyance.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Man of the House Moments

No matter how much I want Isaac to still be a little kid, I have to realize that my little man is growing up and he is doing it so fast! I love to watch him during the days and witness his "Man of the House" moments. These are the moments during the day that is he not fighting with Elizabeth, not whining or throwing tantrums at me but rather have a sense of obligation and duty to help his family.

When I get home from going to Costco and the grocery store, Isaac unbuckles Elizabeth's car seat, walks around the van and pops open the trunk so he can carry in all the groceries to the kitchen for me. He does this with no complaint. Sometimes he even starts putting them away with out asking. Another thing that he does is on Thursdays. He opens the garage door, walks out to the curb where anyone will find our garbage can knocked over and recycling bin next to it, and puts the recycling bin inside the garbage can and pulls both of them back into the garage and puts them where they belong then closes the garage door. Besides those two examples, he also will put anything that can be recycled into the bin, happily clean the bathroom if I ask him, help take care of William and even put a blanket on me if I fall asleep on the couch.

Don't get me wrong, he still argues, whines and harasses Elizabeth, but I can't ignore the wonderful boy that he is growing into. Watching his "man of the house" moments when they occur makes the arguing, whining and harassment not as bad knowing that overall he is becoming not my little boy anymore, but my little man of the house.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Tooth Fairy and Cuteness

William is saying how much he is loved but how annoying his siblings are.
I can't believe he is big enough for his jumper. He loves it!

Hey, come back here!

Snuggling with Daddy after a shower

My sweetness

 Isaac lost his 2 bottom teeth and he already has the adult teeth coming in. He was so excited to loose his first tooth and received $3 from the Tooth Fairy. A few days later, he lost his second tooth but the Tooth Fairy was busy and had to give him his dollar a day later.

Muggin for the camera. It is what he does best.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Pictures from Julie

 Here are some pictures from Julie's camera from when she was visiting us for 3 weeks
William is a pimp with all his ladies. Cinderella being his #1

Thinking about this for my next haircut