Friday, April 15, 2011


If you look closely at Isaac's drawing of myself, he already spilled the beans. I'm Pregnant! This came as a huge surprise for Jim and I since both Isaac and Elizabeth were conceived with fertility drugs and this was wasn't, not to mention that we have talked about trying again soon for another baby but hadn't really started yet. As of right now I am 11 weeks and I am due November 3rd. I think this will be an October baby. We feel that with the timing of this pregnancy, that God definitely had his hand in the timing of this one. We are so thrilled to be expanding our family and Isaac and Elizabeth are very excited to have another sibling. Isaac is 100% sure that it will be a boy. We'll see.

Monday, April 11, 2011

A lot has happened

I know that I am not doing a very good job at updating the blog like I used to. I find that the days just slip by and then I notice that it is quite some time before I have done a blog post.

Battle of the Bands

Jim and I took Isaac to the Battle of the Bands on Pepperdine's campus because our neighbor, Izzy, is in the band Johnny Come Lately. Isaac was so excited to hear all the loud music and watch Izzy. Izzy's youngest brother, Anthony, who is 5 had a great time playing with Isaac also. Both Isaac and Izzy were given paper gem guitars and Isaac was rockin it the WHOLE night! The guitar playing hasn't stopped since. In this video you can see Izzy, his brother, Anthony, and Izzy's roommate, Chris, playing with Isaac and Anthony. Those boys are always so great with Isaac. Isaac just thinks the world of them.

Parents Visit

My parents came down for a weekend so they could watch Isaac play in one of his t-ball games. Even-thought he weather wasn't the best, we still had a great time. We went to the 3rd Street Promenade and took my parents to Barney's Beanery for lunch, we ate at Red Robin for dinner, we also took them to Pinks for lunch on another day. We drove all over the LA area, went to the park and went to the Griffith Observatory which Isaac loved since he finished his space curriculum a month ago. We all had a great time and the visit went by fast.

Beach Day

The weather was nice so my friend and I took the kids to the beach to play for a bit. The kids came home full of sand and we saw a seal and 5 dolphins. It was a great day.

Isaac's Art Show

Isaac was part of an art show put on by his school. It was the cutest thing. The school was decorated with all the art work that was saved from the past few weeks and the kids had a great time showing of their art. My favorite is Isaac's self portrait and the family portrait that Isaac drew. I love it so much and think it is so sweet that I want to frame it!

Being Silly

The rest of the pictures and videos are just of us being silly and crazy- that is how we normally are.