Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Chicago Visitors

This past weekend Jim's brother, Brent, and his family came up from Chicago to visit with us. This is really the first time that the kids got to play with one another. Isaac and Elizabeth were so excited to see Liesel and Ireland. It was really cute. Elizabeth also attached herself to Brent and is now asking for him. It was a ton of fun to watch the kids interact with each other not to mention for Jim and I to actually get a chance to visit with Brent and Danika with out being on a phone or surrounded by other family members. I am normally great at taking pictures but I didn't even take one with them visiting! I even had the camera on the table! Lame. That is what I was. It was a good thing Danika took some, so if you'd like to see what she posted, click here. We are really looking forward to going to Chicago to spend time with them in September and for them to come and visit again!

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