Sunday, November 11, 2007


Ok, so I really don't understand how come people can be so dishonest and stupid. I think that all the stupid dishonest people in the world should be locked up in their own special, little town and the key should be thrown away! I guess if that were the case, there really wouldn't be too many people around. Wouldn't that be so nice, though?

Today was stake conference at church and I was dreading it! Regular church is hard enough with just me and Isaac ( Jim works nights and gets home around 7/8 am so he goes to sleep.) let alone trying to stay in one place for 2 hours. With regular church, I end up in the foyer after the Sacrament was passed, all of Sunday school and at least the last 1/2 hour of Relief Society. I wonder why I even go sometimes. I mean, it would be so much easier to stay in my pj's, have Isaac go down for his nap at normal time and let him play with his own toys all in the comfort of my own home. Needless to say, I only heard about 1 1/2 talks today and the rest of the time I was walking around and in the play room.

Speaking of the play room, why can't parents monitor their kids? I know that kids will be kids, but come on!!! When you see your child deliberately taking toys away from kids so they can have 5 toys and NOT share, you should step in, right? I was so ready to kick this one kid in the side and the parent too because his kid was such a bully to Isaac and nothing was being done about it. Well, I finally decided to leave before I did anything.


1 comment:

Kristin said...

When you speak of dishonesty, are you referring the evil lying she man personal trainer?