Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Are we done yet?

 So  the kids and I decided to make a final trip out to the garden since ours in our backyard is pretty much done. As you can see, we harvested a ton of fruit and veggies and needless to say, there are still plenty more veggies to be harvested. I thought I would make one last push to prep these veggies to last us through the winter since my due date is coming up on us fast. Isaac and Elizabeth had a great time today digging up potatoes with my friend, Roger. I think he enjoyed it to. We all came back covered in dirt from the garden and raspberry juice from the raspberry patch. It was a great day and Roger asked if Jim and I would be willing to help him next year with the garden. I told him that Jim would be thrilled to help since Jim LOVES gardening. Of course, Isaac piped in and said that he would help too. This garden has been such a blessing to us and now I need to keep reminding myself of that this next week as I chopping, peeling, cutting, canning, and freezing all of this wonderful goodness.

Today we picked tomatoes, butternut squash, spaghetti squash, potatoes, banana peppers, brusselsprouts, cauliflower, pears, apples, raspberries (those we ate on the way home) and pumpkins.

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