Friday, September 7, 2012

Park Elementary

 It's official! Isaac is now a kindergartner at Park Elementary! He couldn't be more excited. On both Thursday and Friday of this week, he has been dressed, teeth brushed and ready to catch the bus by 6:15am! Elizabeth enjoyed waiting at the bus stop with Isaac for moral support until he left. Isaac gave me a hug and then jumped right on that bus like it was nothing. I have been super excited and ready for him to start school full day school so it kind of surprised me to get a little bit unglued as he got on that bus.

Every day the kids get a "milk break" where they get 15 minutes of down time and can enjoy some milk. Isaac decided he needed 2 cartons of milk. I hope this doesn't continue since my account gets charged $.40 every time he decides to take a milk. One thing that he enjoyed was looking over the food menu for the month of September. I told him that he could buy 1 hot lunch a week. We circled 1 day a week and today was one of those days. He came off that bus so excited about his hot lunch!

I am eager to see how much he grows academically this year. Kindergarten is no longer the kindergarten that I went to. He has school from 8:20am to 2:54pm. Besides writing, math, reading and social studies, he also has computer class twice a week, art class once a week, PE 3 days a week and music class twice a week.So far he is enjoying it which make me a happy mommy.

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