Thursday, February 25, 2010

Poop and Giggles

One of the duties of being a parent is doing something that you really don't want to do like cleaning up poop. Isaac was our blow-out child. He pooped on EVERYTHING! Elizabeth has had only one minor blow out until the other day. She had to poop and she pooped a TON! (If you don't want to read about poop, the skip down to the next paragraph.) Not only did it come out of the sides of her diaper but it also went up her back and front. to make matter worse, when i was trying to clean her off before I took off her clothes, she was sticking her feet in the poop and then when I tried to take her clothes off, I underestimated how much poop was on them. She ended up having poop not only on her bum, back, tummy, legs and feet but now she had it on her shoulders head and face. So I decided even though it wasn't her bath day, she needed one anyways. You know, sometimes baby wipes just don't cut it

On another note, one great thing about being a parent is listening and watching your kids play together...nicely. I love watching Isaac and Elizabeth play with one another. Each one always tries to get the other one to laugh which in the end, makes both of them laugh. I couldn't help myself this morning and took a video of the both of them playing and laughing together. Perhaps I took it subconsciously so I can remember that at one time they did like each other and did get along.


Danika said...

CUTE! (The video... not the poopy baby).

Debbie said...

I love the sound of kids laughing!! Ur a great mom!