Sunday, April 11, 2010

Almost 25 lbs


Once January hit, I was completely disgusted by how I looked. I gained back almost 25 of the 35 pounds I lost before I was pregnant with Elizabeth. I was very hard on myself and was embarrassed to go anywhere because I felt like the only thing that people saw when they looked at me was a super fat girl. Well, I decided to take action once again. I started up some nutrition reading and signed up for exercise classes on campus. After counting calories and doing some exercising, I lost 15 pounds relatively quickly. When I came back from my trip to the Bay Area in March, Jim surprised me with a Body Bugg. It has been the greatest gift he has ever got me. Since using it I have lost even more weight and I am now only 2 pounds away from losing 25 pounds since January, 1. 5 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight and 4.5 pounds from my wedding weight. I am super excited with my progress and hope to lose another 40-45 pounds by mid august. Here are some before and present pictures thus far.



'Cembers Thoughts said...

congrats!!! its amazing how much easier it is to put on weight than to take it off. looking good.

Kristin said...

Yay! Congratulations! You are looking fantastic. I wanna body bugg!

Debbie said...

you look soooo good! =) I cant wait to see u!!!!!

Unknown said...

Keep up the good work :)

Romulo & Lydia said...

that is SUPER news! i'm so happy for motivate me!

Phil and Jenna said...

Congrats girlie!

Brandon, Emily & Sydney Wilson said...

HOLY COW! I so need your influence in my life. Nice that you could take a class on campus and get a body bugg! We have a YMCA membership and I would go more if Ellie would get through this seperation anxiety phase. They don't let babies cry it out so I basically work out for 10 minutes and hear my name called over the loud speaker! So frustrating! Well, you inspire me! Good job sexy mama!