Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sweet Elizabeth

Our sweet Elizabeth will be 11 months on Friday. I can't believe it! We are having so much fun watching her grow. She is so sweet and LOVES Isaac. One of the many things they like to do together is make each other laugh and take showers together since we don't have a bathtub. It is so sweet to hear each other giggling. She crawls all over the place and can walk holding on to things. She can also stand by herself but once she realizes it, she plops right back down to her bum. She prefers not to eat baby food and would rather eat "real people food" that has flavor. She loves sitting on Daddy's lap while he reads her a story and always knows that if he has treats, he will give her some. She is also a comedian and really enjoys making people laugh however, she has no problem pointing her finger and rattling off a bunch a gibberish in a firm tone if she is un-happy or wants something. She is also a Mama's girl through and through and has gotten back her cuddles. We love her so much and can't wait to see her grown even more.

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