Sunday, October 21, 2007

water...mmm ahhh

Isaac thinks that it is so cool to drink out of a water bottle, sippy cup or an "adult cup" because whenever he finishes a sip he make a mmmahh sound. I think it is so funny. Jim totally encourages him and it is fun to watch the both of them go back and forth with it.

We went to the BYU vs Eastern Washington game yesterday and BYU blew them out of the water. Isaac normally LOVES the games, but it was so cold and he was SOOOOOO bundled up, he could hardly move! That made him very frustrated. We ended up leaving in the 3rd quarter and I am so glad that we did. About a minute before we reached our car, the heavens opened and down came the rain and snow. It snowed until early in the morning. When Isaac and I woke, I wasn't sure if I was excited for the snow or not, especially since it is only October. Isaac on the other hand, was very excited and when we walked to church he was pointing and making very exciting noises at the snow. It was cute. I can't wait until it snows a little more so I can push him down in it and watch him try to get up. =0)

Church today, like always, is quite the task now that Isaac
can walk. I often ask myself "why do you even go" considering out of the 3 hour block, 75% of it, I am in the foyer with Isaac. Everyone at church think Isaac is so cute walking around and pushing his stoller, but I envy the moms who have children that can play quitely on the floor by themself or in mommy's lap. Oh well, what can I do?


Brandon, Emily & Sydney Wilson said...

What a funny little kid. I love these video clips you put on. He is getting so big. I'm trying to put a video on of Sydney but I think we left our usb cable that connects to our camera in a box somewhere in Texas. Keep posting more... I love them!

Anonymous said...

vanessa, love your page! What a great way to keep up with the latest. Love, Susan