Friday, December 23, 2011

San Lo

A friend shared this video with me via Facebook. I thought it was funny. I know some of the people in the video and am familiar with all the spots that they shot the video at. I am from San Lorenzo, Ca and I loved growing up there. It was a great village and I am glad that they featured the Duck Pond and the famous bum, Joe Trombone who raps at the end of the video. I thought he died. I remember him from when I was little. As much as I loved living there, sadly I will never move there to raise my family. As the borders of Oakland keep expanding, my lovely San Lorenzo village is no longer lovely. They even had a little tribute to my friend Angelo who was murdered by gun shot to the head. Nonetheless, I still really enjoyed watching this. The only other thing I have to say about it is that I can't believe he fell into the duck pond and had water in his mouth from the local soak and poke (Hot Tropics). BLEH!

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