Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I need an incentive!

So for those of you who don't know, I have been struggling to lose weight for a while. Last X-mas, my parents got me a personal trainer that I see once a week which I am really enjoying. I have been successful at losing 20 of the 60lbs that I want gone since January, but I am still struggling to meet my 30 lb mark my June. I normally go to the gym 5-6 days a week, but now I am doing double days to try to reach it. The only problem is, is that I am starting to lose motivation and I need a really good incentive to meet my goal by June. I am in the best shape that I have been in the past 6 years so that has been great. Plus, I am still not pregnant so I figured that is even more of a reason to push myself. All in all, those are losing its touch. If you can suggest any incentives, please let me know. Jim already vetoed Disneyland and NKOTB....surprise surprise. OK, maybe those should be saved for if and when I reach my 60 lb mark.


Brandon, Emily & Sydney Wilson said...

as for a good incentive....not sure I'm much help...because my personal incentives seem to go as quickly as they come. The current incentive for me is going on the Wilson family vacation which happens to be a "beach" vacation. The thought of being in a swimsuit in 2 mos. has me doing my turbo jam workout videos. I think the NKOTB tickets is a brilliant idea. Love their new song "summertime". How about going to a NKOTB concert with me...now that sounds like great incentive!!!

Anonymous said...

hmmmmm....a massage and a shopping spree for new clothes would help me, I think. Then again, I feel for you, 'cause I always have trouble staying motivated to work out too. I think I've worked out maybe 7 times my whole pregnancy. Ya, and I'm 7 months!!!! Hope that helps! Good for you though girl! I'm proud of you!! =)

The Simpsons said...

Hey good job on the weight thing. I am trying so hard to loose 30LB. I had 3 people ask me if i was pregnant last week. So I told scott it is time that i really start to do something. So he said i could have $5.00 for every LB and by by birthday (Jan 25th) i can have that money to spend on myself. We will see how it goes?? Take care