Saturday, June 28, 2008

Hawaii? I think not!

As much as I enjoyed living in Hawaii and would love to go back, I don't think that will ever be a possibility soon. When I lived there, food was expensive since everything had to be shipped but the price of everything shot up when 9/11 happened. It is no surprise that Hawaii is expensive, but come on $8.75 for organic milk? Check out this video. I thought I had it hard when I lived there spending $6 for cereal and $3 for milk. Then I thought we had it hard here on the mainland with the sudden rise in food prices. I am so glad that I am not a poor college student trying to save pennies to spend at the Laie Foodland. I would starve!! Well, there is always Ramen.

1 comment:

Brandon, Emily & Sydney Wilson said...

DANG!!! Those prices are outrageous...and I thought it was expensive when we lived there. Don't know what I would've done without Costco...or you with you're military grocery store hook up!