Sunday, June 15, 2008

... you know, the ones that throw poop?

If you have ever been to the San Francisco Zoo, then you have read the signs around the monkeys that tell you to watch out because they like to throw their poop at people. I always find it entertaining to read those signs and hopefully see someone else get nailed by poop. Well, I have yet to see it happen at the zoo, but I was so lucky (can you feel my sarcasm?) to experience poop throwing today when I was getting ready for church.

I was putting on my makeup today when Isaac was taking a bath. He was talking and playing with his toys like normal and then when I was finished with my makeup (it takes me all of 5 minutes to do) I went to soap up Isaac and I noticed that he took the biggest poop ever in the bathtub! I was SO grossed out! So as I was letting the water drain out and clearing out all of his toys so I could bleach them, Isaac started picking up his poop and putting it on the side of the tub. The the unthinkable happened. He started to pick them up and throw them! it was on the bath mats, towels, washing machine and my feet. He got in trouble for that! I guess he wanted to be a monkey this morning on my account. Hopefully, he will leave it to the monkeys and their zoo keepers at the San Francisco Zoo.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Thanks. I think I'm gonna lose my breakfast. You'd think by now we'd all be quite accustomed to cleaning up poop since we do it But when Charlotte left me a big poop on the floor in the 30 seconds of naked time she had after her bath, I was still grossed out. Why must they poop outside of their diapers?