Sunday, October 12, 2008

Cornbelly's Corn Maze and Pumpkin Festival

Last Monday night we decided to go to Cornbelly's at Thanksgiving Point for family night. We had a ton of fun. Isaac was in his element running all over the place and discovering new things. He had a lot of fun with Jim on the "jumping pillows." I took a ton of video because it was so funny to watch Isaac jump and fall down but all the cute video that I took had some random kid always blocking my view! Isaac also really loved the pig races and the hayride. When the pigs would go running around, he would shout and jump in excitement and when he would see pumpkins on the hayride, he would follow the other kids lead and yell, "PUMPKINS" so everyone could hear him. There were also obstacles for him to climb on and slide down, pumpkin blasters, corn shooters and how can I forget the David Arculeta corn maze. It is a big attraction here in Utah but we passed on that and let Isaac run around and admire the lit jack-o-lantern tree. I would recommend it to everyone. The only downside is that I think it is ridiculously expensive! We had a fun night, though and I would do it all over again just so I can watch Isaac and Jim run all over the place enjoying time with one another!

1 comment:

Travis and Teresa Wilson said...

K you totally win best Mom ever award you do so much fun stuff with Isac I love that first picture.