Friday, January 2, 2009

Christmas in Not-So-Sunny California

Isaac and I headed to California a week before Jim did. We were lucky in the fact that we missed the major storms that dumped a ton of snow in Utah but we hit an abnormal cold spell in the Bay Area. Normally the weather is in the 50's and 60's but this time it was rainy for most days with a high in the 40's! I know that it shouldn't have felt cold since it was colder in Utah when we left, but I didn't pack for "cold" weather! Well, we still managed. When Jim arrived we were lucky and had a few sunny days so the 3 of us went to Fisherman's Wharf and Pier 39 in San Francisco. Isaac had so much fun chasing and feeding the birds, going to the aquarium and seeing sharks, looking at he sea lions on the pier and watching all the boats in the water. It was nice to have a fun family day. The day after Christmas was also sunny so the 3 of us along with Jim's parents and 2 of his sister went to Muir Woods to see all the big redwoods trees. Isaac was in his glory with all the trees and the freedom to roam outside. Beside doing those 2 things, we went to Half Moon Bay with Vanessa's parents, visited friends and family and just "relaxed" at Vanessa's parents house. Christmas was fun. Isaac just LOVED opening his presents and was sad when they were all opened. Of course between the 2 sets of grandparents, great-grandparents, great- aunts and uncle and regular aunts and uncles, Isaac got every toy under the sun!He is thoroughly enjoying all of them. It was a nice trip but it is nice to be back home. All in all, we can't complain!

Yes, those are Isaac's shoes and trains in the dogs water bowl.

I run to the bathroom really quick and this is what I find when I get out. Your welcome Mom for re-organizing your cupboard.

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