Saturday, March 15, 2008

Rex Lee Run

This morning Jim, Isaac and I ran the 5k portion of the Rex Lee Run. Jim wanted to run the 10k, but I wasn't feeling that ambitious. For those of you that don't know, it is a race raising money to help fund cancer research at BYU so many people run with cards on their back that says "in memory of" or "in honor of" meaning someone who has either lost the battle with caner or someone who is fighting or has won the battle with cancer.
Before the race started, I noticed a group of people wearing buttons on their shirt with a picture of a boy maybe 7 years old on it. I thought that was neat that they were obviously doing the race for him. Well, the real surprise came to me when low and behold, there was the boy in a big jogger stroller being pushed by family members who would switch off during the race. I felt an overwhelming amount of joy and love for that boy and his family. That is what this race is about.
I was surprised at how well Isaac did for his first race. He fell asleep right before the cannon went off and woke up as we were crossing the finish line. Considering that we put him in charge of holding our timing chips, I think he had it pretty easy for his first race.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

I'm so jealous. I thought about doing the Rex Lee Run once when I saw their sign and then forgot about it. Oops. The kids probably would have loved it!