Thursday, August 21, 2008

I am proud of myself

I have never been a runner nor have I ever enjoyed running. It was the one thing that I absolutely dreaded during PE and could never understand how my friends enjoyed being on the track team. I mean, its hard on the joints, my boobs practically meet my chin even-though I wear a regular bra and a sports bra and it feels like your lungs are going to pop out of your chest just so they can fill up with air! Meanwhile, you start to see spots and your vision becomes blurry due to lack of oxygen to the brain. I guess on the other hand, people couldn't understand why I enjoyed swimming lap after lap and really NOT being able to breath due to the mere fact that my face was always under water a good portion of the time.

Nonetheless, This past year I have tried to take up running. I emphasize "TRY." One of my goals in life is to run a half marathon and then a marathon. I am a little perplexed by this ambitious goal of mine because I am constantly pondering the question, "How do I get myself able to run 26 miles AND enjoy doing it?" I have read and bought books, articles etc. Well, little by little have I tried to run and little by little I am able to increase my distance but not speed; I figure that I can work on that later. Well, I am proud to say that today I ran 4 miles without stopping! I know to some of you "runners" out there, this isn't a major feat. But let me tell you that I have NEVER and may I repeat NEVER ran that far in my life! Even in high school was I was really fit in a lot of aspects but maybe not fit in running since I could barely run a mile. So not that I am even close to my goals, I am thrilled that I am getting closer to achieving them; even if it is little by little. And the best part about the run today was that I found out that I was OK. I didn't die and I actually enjoyed it... a little. Maybe there is hope.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Museum of Ancient Life

When my parents were her for Jim's graduation, we decided to take Isaac to the North American Museum of Ancient Life at Thanksgiving Point in Lehi, Utah. It is a fantastic museum with tons of things to see and do. Isaac enjoyed dressing up as a dinosaur, playing with wooden puzzles and participating in an archaeological dig for dinosaur bones. There are also educational 3-D movies that play on the Mammoth Screen that are fun to watch. Some of the dinosaurs were so big that the skeletons of them scared Isaac. I would recommend this museum if you ever travel to Utah with kids. When I was taking pictures of Isaac, this little girl came up and wanted me to take her picture--numerous times. Each time she would strike a different pose and them come running over to my camera to see if she liked them. I thought it was cute and funny.

Congratulations Jim!!!

We are so proud of Jim! He will officially graduate with his BS in Psychology in December since he still has 1 more class to take, but he walked last week. To me, this is a huge stepping stone since Jim still has schooling left. Come December, we will be able to close one chapter of our lives and start a new one. I can't wait! He could have finished a lot sooner, but he has worked so hard to provide for his family-- working nights 40 hours a week and going to school during the day. Some days he would manage only 4-5 hours of sleep. I am very grateful to have a husband who values the importance of education while still claiming his place in the home as the bread winner making it easier for me to stay home and raise our child. Congratulations Jim!!! We are so proud of you!

On the other hand, I wish that we didn't take pictures in the shade. They turned out awful as you can see. The funny thing about them is that when we were taking the pictures, we couldn't see the lighting differences on our faces otherwise we would have definitely moved!

Random pictures

Isaac was getting ready to leave for Church. He LOVES his "Cars" Backpack and when I told him to say "Cheese," this was the face I received, I think it's cute
Isaac got into our cupboard where we keep our pots and pans and he pulled out my rose cake pan. In that, I keep my powdered sugar sifter. Well, I am sure you can gues what he was doing. That's right- licking all the powdered sugar of the cake pan and loving it!
This is what happens when I let Isaac run around after his bath even for 2 minutes with -out a diaper on. GROSS!! At least part of it was on the paper. NO matter what, I still love this sweet, baby boy!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Dissappointed, but still excited

So, there have been some articles stating that HP6 has moved its release date of November 21st to July 17th! Hello? Why? You can't put out a trailer and start all the hype and then for no published reason switch it to NEXT summer! On the other hand because of the switch, Twilight has been bumped up from December 12th to November 21st so I guess I can still be excited for that.

Monday, August 11, 2008

I finished

I finally received my copy of Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer on August 8th! Can you believe it? I pre-ordered from Amazon, which I have always done, and I always have received my books on the release day or the day before but not so many days late! I was annoyed to say the least. Well, I read it and had to finish it before I could do anything else, but I am not sure how I feel about it. I definitely think the third book, Eclipse, was better. I did enjoy this read since I am engrossed in the lives of Bella, Edward and Jacob, but I felt that something was missing but I don't know what. I don't think it was the best book out of the series but I wouldn't go so far to call it a disappointment either. If you have read it, let me know so I can discuss it. I just don't feel right about giving any spoilers away since I know people are still reading it, but I am curious to what everyone thinks. Danielle, it's all yours if you want to borrow it. Let me know.=0)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I'm Going Going Back to Back to Cali Cali

That's right. I am heading back to California in a couple of weeks. This time Jim will be joining myself and Isaac. Yay!!! We were originally going to go So Cal but some things came up so we decided to go to San Francisco for a few days and then to my parents cabin by Twain Harte/Yosemite for our family vacation.

I realized this summer as I was walking down Haight and Ashbury, that I really do miss SF. It is such a unique place that I have always taken for granted until I moved to Utah. I am really excited to go back and see things as a family(not that we will be seeing anything new since we grew up there) instead of by myself. I am looking forward to little family vacation in a couple of weeks. And I suspect that no matter where I am at in the world, my heart will always be in San Francisco.

John McCain

I really can't stand McCain. It's not due to his political agenda, but more so his lack of being polished as a future mouth piece and representative of the United States. One would think that after all his years in politics, he should know how to act. I think joking around and the use of sarcasm are great. I use both of them all the time. However, I am not running for president and cracking jokes concerning the welfare of other human beings. I would be VERY embarrassed if he became president and constantly made statements degrading people on national television. Through his jokes, he shows us what his agenda is and what he thinks of fellow citizens and his fellow man. Check out the links below. Is this what a future president should act like?

Bomb Iran