Monday, August 18, 2008

Random pictures

Isaac was getting ready to leave for Church. He LOVES his "Cars" Backpack and when I told him to say "Cheese," this was the face I received, I think it's cute
Isaac got into our cupboard where we keep our pots and pans and he pulled out my rose cake pan. In that, I keep my powdered sugar sifter. Well, I am sure you can gues what he was doing. That's right- licking all the powdered sugar of the cake pan and loving it!
This is what happens when I let Isaac run around after his bath even for 2 minutes with -out a diaper on. GROSS!! At least part of it was on the paper. NO matter what, I still love this sweet, baby boy!


Danielle said...

Ha ha ha! That poop is hilarious. The other day I found poop in our sandbox. Definitely human poop. I still can't figure out how it got there since neither kid was playing in there naked. Weird.

Brandon, Emily & Sydney Wilson said...

guess he couldn't wait for the diaper. Fun for you...clean-up!!

Brandon, Emily & Sydney Wilson said...

I love that you posted your son's poop by the way. Only Vanessa! I'm sure Isaac will love that you took pics and showed everyone when he's a teenager.