Thursday, April 10, 2008


Isaac was tagged by his friend, Sydney and Isaac tags the Whetten Family and the Manning Family.

Here are Isaac's 10 favorite things

1. Mom and Dad...of course we are his #1!
2. Being outside...he is always trying to go outside and when he does, he never wants to come in
3. Kids... he loves to play with other kids, especially the ones that are a little older than him
4. Water...bath, swimming, sink....any water he can play with is always a plus. I think he will grow gills soon.
5. Being naked...he LOVES to run around the house naked and play and mark his territory. It is always a struggle to put clothes on him.
6.Adult chairs at the kitchen table...out with the high chair if sitting in a "adult" chair doesn't make him throw his food on the floor or at Mommy
7.Bottle...he only gets it at night time and his 1 nap so it is VERY appreciated when he gets it
8.Books...he loves to read and be read too
9.Music..any type, but he dances the best to hip hop
10.Balls...any type and size. He likes to kick them and throw them all over the house, yard and neighborhood

1 comment:

Brandon, Emily & Sydney Wilson said...

you'll have to post some video of Isaac bustin' out his hip-hop moves.