Friday, November 21, 2008

Can You Believe It?

Today I went to go fill up my van with gas, a dreaded task. I feel like with every gallon going in the van the dollar signs just get louder and louder. Well, not to day. I filled my van up, all the way up for only $32! That's right, only $1.79 a gallon!!!!! This summer it was close to $75 /$80 to fill up. That is when I boycotted the gas stations by not driving and started biking everywhere instead with Isaac in his biking caddy. I am SO glad that gas has gone down and I actually left the gas station thrilled with my "savings" and not worrying about how the heck are we going to pay for this.

1 comment:

Lyndzi said...

No, I can't believe it. But I'm so happy. We're going to Idaho about 3 times in the next month so I'm very pleased with the plunging prices.